Funding Education with Gratitude and Generosity
Throughout the upcoming holiday season, we take stock of our lives and our world – the good, the difficult, the beautiful and the hard. And inspired by the good, in spite of the difficult, we give. It truly takes a grateful heart to give generously. When we appreciate what we have, we understand the importance of sharing it.
Please join us in celebrating the spirit of giving this December 1st on #GivingTuesday – a day dedicated to charitable giving. We know there are so many charities deserving of your support in this time of unprecedented suffering. As you consider your year-end giving, we hope you’ll remember the impact the Tsoknyi Nuns (TLN) have had on your life and consider making a donation on #GivingTuesday. The act of generous giving to those in need – donations large and small – stands as a beacon of light, an antidote to dark times.
Why support the Nuns?
- To continue the lineage of the first Tsoknyi Rinpoche by providing the same monastic training for women that has been reserved for men
- Provide young women and girls with the best modern education and a complete training in the highest Buddhist studies and practice
- Empower the nuns to become accomplished Dharma teachers
- Cultivate these women and girls to become educated global citizens, agents of change in their communities, and models of compassion for all!
What are the Nuns’ needs?
New School Building
Worldwide, Rinpoche’s supporters have raised a total of $2 Million towards our $2.2 Million construction budget to build a new school building at Tsoknyi Gechak School (TGS). We are so close to reaching our goal with only $200,000 left to go! Learn more here >>

My School Pride
Click to enjoy this letter written by Rinzin Wangmo, one of the young nuns at Tsoknyi Gechak School.
Double Your Gift!
$100,000 Matching Grant to help us reach our fundraising goals.
This Matching Grant will be offered through Losar, February 12, 2021.
GIVE TODAY to make sure your donation and impact is doubled!
We've Come a Long Way Since our Beginning in 2011!
Thanks to the support of generous donors like you, TLN continues to provide the young nuns a safe and loving environment with which to live, as well as an education rooted in the Buddha Dharma and Himalayan Buddhism.
125,000 square feet of space has been built at Tsoknyi Gechak Ling and it is truly a place where girls and women of high Himalayan villages can come to be safe and hold their heads high. With the help of our international friends and partners, we’ve been able to make a measurable difference in the lives of all the nuns by providing them educational resources and opportunities.
Projects Completed since 2011
- Tsoknyi Gechak School
- Pema Chödrön Drubde: Nun’s Three Year Retreat
- Nun’s Shedra and Residence
- Nun’s Kitchen & Dining Hall
- Nun’s Residence in Tsoknyi Gargon Ling
- Nun’s Residence in Tsoknyi Tangdroling
- Main Temple:
- Administrative Offices
- Medical Clinic
- Ritual Room
- Archive Room
- Public Kitchen & Dining Hall
- Library
- Teaching Hall
We’re proud of our many achievements over the past 9 years. Tsoknyi Gechak Ling is truly a Center of Learning and Practice thanks to your support. You helped us move our mission forward, and without you, we couldn’t have completed this long list of achievements. THANK YOU!
“We must insist on education for all. Women must be much more involved in our societies and take part in the building of a more peaceful, less violent world in which people help one another.”
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama