The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

3 year Retreat Celebration

It is with great jubilance we share the news of 10 nuns at Tsoknyi Gechak Ling Nunnery entering the Pema Chodron Drubde for a 3 years retreat on September 7, 2021 in the presence of Mingyur Rinpoche. They are the 2nd batch entering the 3 years retreat.

While in retreat, the nuns are guided daily by Vajra Master Kunchok Dolker in performing Tsoknyi Lineage Vajrayana and Dzongchen practice.  They are  accompanied by a in-house cook, who will prepare all their meals.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche and everyone in the nunnery are looking forward to their progress.    Congratulations to the nuns and many thanks to Tenzin Thakuri for capturing the celebration in this video.

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