The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

In the Footsteps of the Buddha

Recently, Tsoknyi Rinpoche led a group of 128 of his senior nuns and Shedra students on a two week pilgrimage to the holy places of the Buddha. 

In India, they visited  Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, the ruins of Nalanda University and Varanasi. Bodh Gaya is where the Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. Sarnath is where he gave his first teachings on the Four Noble Truths. 

At Bodh Gaya, they were able to receive teachings directly from His Holiness the Dalai Lama as well as participate in Long Life pujas for His Holiness. Watch a Video Here

Tsoknyi Rinpoche did a special puja at the Bodhi Tree with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and the nuns. It was beautiful to hear the female voices of the nuns in a land of monks. It was very special for the nuns. 

Tsoknyi Rinpoche was also able to go in the evening and sit unnoticed under the Bodhi Tree and do his practice. Some students recognized him but he was able to just be there. 

While in Bihar, India they took a tour of the ruins of the the famous Buddhist Nalanda University. Watch a Video Here.

They also visited Vulture Peak Mountain in Bihar, India, one of the Buddha’s favorite places for training and retreat.  Watch a Video Here.

On their return trip, they visited Lumbini and Choknyi Nyima Rinpoche’s newly completed 1000 Buddha Temple (Pal Thubten Shedrub Ling).

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