The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

New School Building Project


Worldwide, Rinpoche’s supporters have raised a total of $2 Million towards the $2.2 Million construction budget to build a new school building at Tsoknyi Gechak School (TGS). We are so close to reaching our goal with only $200,000 left to go!

The current school building at Tsoknyi Gechak Ling was built in 2013 to accommodate 4 class groups and today we have 10 class groups! We are excited to be fundraising for this larger building with modern school facilities that will accommodate even more students. Once we have built the new school building, the current building will be converted into much needed residential space for the TGL community. The school dormitories are packed to capacity and we are eager to create space for new nuns!

Thanks to a $100,000 Matching Grant from our generous and dedicated Board President, Owsley Brown, your donation will be doubled!  This Matching Grant will be offered through Losar (February 12, 2021).  GIVE TODAY to make sure your donation and impact is doubled!


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The new Tsoknyi Gechak School building will include essential facilities for a modern education, such as a science lab, an indoor assembly area, an art room and space for extracurricular projects or Montessori activities.

The construction of a more spacious, dynamic, and purpose driven school building, along with additional living quarters, will allow Rinpoche to accommodate more girls seeking a safe, healthy environment where they can receive a high-quality modern education infused with Buddhist ethics. The original school building will be converted into a much-needed nuns’ residence.

Donate HERE!


The current school was hastily built in 2013 with small classrooms and living spaces. The high quality of education and the excellent reputation of the school attracts more girls every year. Larger classrooms and living spaces are badly needed!

Examples of Estimated Construction Costs:


Sponsor a School Room


Flooring for 1 Classroom


Windows for 1 Classroom


White boards for 1 Classroom


Total Budget


Total Raised

Want to donate in your country?  Click here

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