The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

Saga Dawa Festival

We hope you enjoy these lovely photos taken at Tsoknyi Gechak Ling Nunnery of flowers being offered to Buddha for the Saga Dawa Festival.

We are now in the most auspicious month in the Tibetan lunar calendar, the 4th lunar month. Saga Dawa runs from May 12-June 10, 2021.  It is considered a time of the year when our one positive act of kindness is multiplied a million times over to accumulate good merit.

The Shedra nuns and some dasang nuns started the the Nung nye puja on May 19.  It is a 2 day practice of chenrezig created by gelongma Palmo.  One half of the Shedra nuns complete 2 sets and other half of Shedra nuns complete 2 sets for a total of 4 sets. 

The nuns mark Saga Dawa in special ways and we will be sharing photos and news of the celebrations via this blog and our Facebook page as soon as possible after Saga Dawa Düchen on Wednesday, May 26.

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