The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s Nepal Earthquake Message

April 27, 2015

Dear Friends and Students,

We are facing a very sad situation; the huge earthquake that struck Nepal. Many Nepali people, Nepali brothers and sisters, have perished. This is such a sad event. Many people have passed away, many have lost their homes, many are ill, trapped, and injured. It is such a tragic event. What we can do immediately is to make dedication and aspirations prayers for all these people and their families.

The nuns at my nunneries, the monks at Osel Ling, all the monks and nuns at Ka-Nying and Nagi gonpa, all these people are fine and no one was injured. The structures did suffer some damage; some buildings at Osel Ling were damaged and some structures at Chobar were also damaged.

In terms of prayers, please recite the Dusum Sangye prayer (Buddha of the Three Times). Please also make prayers of compassion for the people who passed away, and Guru Rinpoche prayers for the people who have survived. Also, please pray that more earthquakes will not occur.

Practically, please help in whatever way you can. I would like to start by helping the village of Chobar, which suffered a lot of damage. I want to help Chobar village first, as its people are physically closest to us. Then we can help other places; we can spread out to surrounding areas. If you want to assist in this way, please send any support funds to the Tsoknyi Nepal Nuns foundation at, to your Pundarika organization, or supporting organization in your respective countries. Please specify that the donation is for Nepal Earthquake Emergency Relief.


On a larger scale in Nepal, this disaster involves many medical problems, water and food issues, and so forth. These are immediate emergency issues, and they need whatever support we can offer.

Eventually, we will have to rebuild and repair our nunneries. In particular, Tsoknyi Tongdro Ling, behind Osel Ling in Swayambu, where seven or eight people are in three year retreat, is severely damaged. But at this time I want to exclusively focus on immediate humanitarian relief for people that are suffering. Right now the situation is so serious that we need to focus on whatever is presently happening. So please join me in helping in any way we can.

With sincere prayers and aspirations,

Tsoknyi Rinpoche


The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche –
to spontaneously fulfill all wishes and clear away obstacles on the path
Du-sum Sang-gyè
“Buddha of the Three Times”
du-sum sang-gyè guru rinpochè
ngö-drup kundak dèwa chen-pö zhap
bar-chè kunsel dü-dûl drak-po tsal
söl-wa debso jin-ji lap tu sol
chi nang sang-wè barchè zhi-wa dang
sampa lhun ki drup-par jin ji lop
Guru Rinpoche, Buddha of the Three Times,
lord of all siddhis, embodiment of great bliss,
dispeller of all obstacles, wrathful tamer of Mara,
we supplicate you. Please grant your blessings!
Bless us that outer, inner, and secret obstacles subside,
and our wishes are spontaneously accomplished.

 The Buddha of the Three Times Prayer ~ Chanted by Jen Laun


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