The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

$100K Match Doubles your Donation to Fund Education for Himalayan Girls & Women

Our End of Year Giving Campaign continues as Board President, Owsley Brown, has generously gifted a $100,000 Matching Grant supporting the education and empowerment of young girls and women from the Himalayan region.  Now through Losar, February 12, 2021, you have a special opportunity to double your donation with a gift to our End of Year Giving Campaign.
We’ve gained great momentum toward meeting our fundraising goal of $100,000 but we still need your help! Thanks to the help of our international friends and donors, we are only $200,000 from meeting our budget of $2,200,000 to build a new building at Tsoknyi Gechak School!  Your donation, in any amount, will help us reach our fundraising goal.

In 2011, we began our work with Tsoknyi Rinpoche to help fulfill his unique vision of providing high quality education for girls in a third world country, preserving the Tsoknyi Lineage, and advancing Dharma in female form.  9 years later, we’ve built 125,000 square feet at Tsoknyi Gechak Ling that is truly a place where girls and women of the Himalayan region can come to be safe and hold their heads high. You helped us move our mission forward, and without you, we couldn’t have provided the nuns these educational resources and opportunities.  For you, we are grateful!




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