The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

Graduation Celebration

A joyful celebration was held on March 1, 2020 at Tsoknyi Gechak Ling to honor and acknowledge 5 significant accomplishments each happening for the first time!

First, the graduation and completion of ten years of study (shedra) including four Lopon-mas, which means Buddhist scholars or specialists in Buddhist philosophy who will now begin teaching younger nuns in the TGL Shedra.

Second, seven nuns completed the first 3-year traditional retreat at Pema Chodron Drubde. These nuns have now followed the same tradition as the Tsoknyi Lineage nuns of Gechak in Nangchen in Kham, Tibet.

Third, Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s daughter Loponma Konchok Palmo completed her nine years of shedra studies at the HH Penor Rinpoche’s Namdroling Nunnery in South India.

Fourth, resident Khenpo Konchok Palden, who came from Gechak in Nangchen and graduated from Namdroling Monastery in South India, received his formal Khenpo degree.

And finally, we celebrated empowering the retreat master Konchok Drolkar, who finished her 9th year of intensive retreat and guided the most recent group of nuns through the 3-year retreat, as Vajra Master of our nunnery.

Many special guests were invited to help celebrate these five auspicious achievements including Kyabje Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Kyabje Mingyur Rinpoche, Khandro Namsel Dorje, and other tulkus, Khenpos, monks and nuns, and the local community. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.

Congratulations and blessings to all the nuns for their commitment and dedication. Congratulations to Tsokyni Rinpoche on reaching this historical milestone in cultivating enlightenment in female form.

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