The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

Join the Legacy Society

The Pundarika Foundation is happy to introduce the formation of the Tsoknyi Nuns Legacy Society.

The Legacy Society honors donors who’ve made charitable contributions to the Pundarika Foundation (or the Tsoknyi Humanitarian Foundation in the past) in their estate plans or other types of planned giving.

Our Planned Giving Director, Michael Kunkel, is happy to help you explore how a bequest or planned gift might help you achieve your financial and philanthropic goals.  Contact Michael at

A Message from Tsoknyi Rinpoche

“Merging modern educational curriculum with traditional Tibetan Buddhist studies will create the opportunity for future graduates to go into the world with confidence, skills and a foundation in Buddhist spiritual practice.

Many people from around the world are sharing in the Legacy Society project, which will preserve the legacy and heritage of the nuns far beyond my lifetime. I deeply appreciate everyone’s help, as this support will impact many generations to come.”

Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Meet Our Legacy Society

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