The Tsoknyi Nuns

    Cultivating Enlightenment in Female Form

Teacher’s Day Celebration

Tsoknyi Gechak Ling celebrated Annual Teacher’s Day on July 7th.  This also coincided with the week of Guru Purnima (Nepali) and Zamling Chisang (Tibetan Universal Prayer Day).

The lay and monastic teachers from Tsoknyi Gechak School and Shedra were honored at a party. The nuns are lucky to have such wonderful teachers who not only facilitate their academic learning but also act as mothers/big sisters/guardians when needed. The teachers participate in continuing education to further their own skills and knowledge. This year, they are focusing on English language skills, STEM and Science techniques, Counseling (with Ankur Counseling Center, and even Creative Movement Therapy! 

And, no party at TGL is complete without a big sugary cake, decorations, confetti, silly string and fun presentations and games. A group of nuns from the school and the Shedra presented short dramatic plays and the teachers and students participated in games like “Can you lift money with a fork while blindfolded?” And “Can you feed yogurt to your partner while blindfolded?”. 

Let’s hear it for all the teachers who support the Tsoknyi Nuns!

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